

Language Skills

command line

Fluent in English, French, and Croatian.


Irena Papst, PhD

I’m a mathematical modeller and data scientist with highly-transferable skills in software development, teaching, and scientific communication.



PhD, Applied Mathematics

Center for Applied Mathematics

Cornell University

Aug 2021 - Sep 2015

  • Thesis: Mathematical modeling of infectious disease dynamics: from recurrence to emergence, advised by Dr. Steven Strogatz
  • Minors: Computational Science and Engineering, Mathematics
  • Courses: Advanced Topic Modeling, Applied Dynamical Systems, Applied Stochastic Processes, Asymptotics and Perturbation Methods, Matrix Computations, Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations, Stochastic Processes, Theory of Statistics
  • GPA: 4.12 out of 4.3

MSc, Mathematics

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

McMaster University

Aug 2015 - Sep 2013

BArtSc, Honours

Arts & Science Program

McMaster University

Apr 2013 - Sep 2009

Work Experience


National Microbiology Laboratory

Public Health Agency of Canada

Current - May 2022

  • Modelling and forecasting infectious diseases in the Public Health Risk Sciences Division
  • Developing internal modelling infrastructure and scientific software

Postdoctoral fellow

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

McMaster University

May 2022 - Sep 2021

  • Modelling and analysing infectious disease dynamics with Drs. David J.D. Earn,
    Benjamin M. Bolker, and Jonathan Dushoff
  • Projects include forecasting SARS-CoV-2 infection reports for Ontario, Canada and developing software for simulating infectious disease spread

My research experiences have enabled me to develop my critical thinking, coding, and communication skills.


National Microbiology Laboratory

Public Health Agency of Canada

Jul 2021 - Apr 2021

  • Enhanced an existing model to used to forecast SARS-CoV-2 spread and evaluate potential public health measures in Canada
  • Model enhancements included multi-dose vaccination and contact heterogeneity based on age
  • Developed software to simulate and calibrate the enhanced model

Research assistant

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

McMaster University

May 2021 - Jan 2021

  • Analysed age-based patterns in serious COVID-19 outcomes, such as hospitalization and ICU admission, for Ontario, Canada with Drs. David J.D. Earn, Benjamin M. Bolker, and Jonathan Dushoff

Graduate research assistant

Department of Human Development

Cornell University

Dec 2018 - Feb 2018

  • Developed a web interface for rddapp, a statistical software package in R using shiny
  • Helped write and thoroughly edit the help manual for the web interface

Academic Publications

I strive to produce clear and engaging publications accompanied by organized public code repositories so that all of my published work is reproducible.

Estimating the impact of COVID-19 vaccination in Canada: a counterfactual study

Mitchell EJ, Papst I, Earn DJD



In preparation

A compartmental model for epidemic parameter estimation and forecasting, with applications to COVID-19 variant-of-concern spread

Li M, Dushoff J, Earn DJD, Papst I, Ogden N, Bolker BM



In preparation

Forecasting infectious disease spread as new variants emerge and vaccination rates increase

Papst I, Li M, Champredon D, Dushoff J, Bolker BM, Earn DJD



In preparation (preliminary manuscript available upon request)

ern: An R package to estimate the effective reproduction number using clinical and wastewater surveillance data

Champredon D, Papst I, Yusuf W


Jun 2024


Age-dependence of healthcare interventions for COVID-19 in Ontario, Canada

Papst I, Li M, Champredon D, Bolker BM, Dushoff J, Earn DJD


Apr 2021

BMC Public Health

Modeling the interplay between seasonal flu outcomes and individual vaccination decisions

Papst I, O’Keeffe KP, Strogatz SH


Jan 2021

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

Invariant predictions of epidemic patterns from radically different forms of seasonal forcing

Papst I, Earn DJD


Jul 2019

Journal of the Royal Society Interface


I develop open-source scientific software that is useful, user-friendly and well-documented.


Author, maintainer


Sep 2023

  • An R package to use documented and versionned iterations of the Early Pandemic Age-structured Compartmental model, available on GitHub




May 2023

  • An R package to build fast and flexible compartmental models, available on GitHub




Apr 2023

  • An R package to estimate the Effective Reproduction Number using clinical and wastewater surveillance data, available on GitHub


I take great pride in making my talks stimulating and accessible.

From scripts to pipelines with targets

R Government and Public Sector Conference

Georgetown University

Oct 2023

Introduction to git and GitHub

R User Group

Public Health Agency of Canada

Aug 2023

Math modelling in the wild (pt. 1 & 2)

Introduction to Modelling

McMaster University

Mar 2023

COVID-19 modelling in Ontario: past, present, future

Toronto Data Workshop

University of Toronto

Mar 2022

Forecasting the spread of new COVID-19 variants in Ontario

Colloquium, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

McMaster University

Jan 2022

COVID-19 forecasting in the era of vaccines and variants

Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour Seminar

McMaster University

Sep 2021

COVID-19 forecasting in the era of vaccines and variants

PhD defense talk

Cornell University

Aug 2021

Mathematical modelling to inform Ontario’s COVID-19 response: Successes, challenges, and lessons learned

2021 Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Annual Meeting
Young Canadian Researchers - Contributions to Mathematical Modelling in Public Policy Session

University of Waterloo

Jun 2021

From pandas to dplyr: R for Python users in data science

Introduction to Data Science - INFO 2950

Cornell University

Dec 2020

  • Jupyter Notebook available online

COVID-19: what’s age got to do with it?

Topics in Mathematical Biology - MATH 747

McMaster University

Nov 2020

Can seasonal influenza be eradicated under voluntary vaccination?

Applied Math Days

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Apr 2018

Can seasonal influenza be eradicated under voluntary vaccination?

CAM Colloquially

Cornell University

Mar 2018

Fear (but not loathing) in epidemics: Giving a generalist talk

CAM Colloquially

Cornell University

Mar 2017

Fear (but not loathing) in epidemics

Current Research in Engineering, Science & Technology

McMaster University

Mar 2015

(Don’t) Panic! – Modelling changes in human behaviour over the course of an infectious disease outbreak

Canadian Mathematical Society 2014 Winter Meeting
Dynamics of Biological Systems Session

McMaster University

Dec 2014

Equivalent dynamical effects of different seasonal forcing patterns in infectious disease transmission

2014 Southwestern Ontario Graduate Mathematics and Statistics Conference

University of Guelph

May 2014

Why Study Math?

2013 Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference

Universite de Montreal

Jul 2013

Les equations differentielles et la diphterie: Les mathematiques qui decrient la diffusion des maladies infectieuses

2012 Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference

University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus

Jul 2012

A Brief Exploration of Minimal Surfaces

2011 Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference

Universite Laval

Jun 2011


Short Course on Forecasting for Decision-Making

Canadian Ecological Forecasting Initiative

Fields Institute

Jul 2023 - Jul 2023

  • One of four instructors for this short course with roughly 50 participants
  • Developed openly-available teaching materials, including a COVID-19 forecasting case study, a git/GitHub primer, and an introduction to modelling lecture

My extensive experience teaching spans topics across mathematics, statistics, and computer science, in large and small classroom settings, in-person and online.

Introduction to Modelling

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

McMaster University

May 2022 - Jan 2022

  • Sole course instructor for a third year course of 150 undergraduate students, leading a team of three teaching assistants
  • Wrote and delivered lectures, designed assignments, and planned a group modelling project
  • Coordinated grading for all assessments, designed rubrics, and assessed submissions for group project components
  • Frequently corresponded with students over email, online discussion boards, and one-on-one in office hours

Introduction to Data Science

Department of Information Science

Cornell University

Dec 2020 - Feb 2020

  • Teaching assistant for two iterations of this course
  • Head teaching assistant in the Fall 2020 term, which involved additional responsibilities with respect to curriculum design, developing course materials, course administration, and organizing the instructional team
  • Compiled an extensive course handbook in the Spring 2020 term, in response to the transition to emergency online learning in March 2020 due COVID-19 pandemic
  • Led two to three weekly discussions of about 30 students each, which included preparing in-class materials as well as homework assignments
  • Wrote detailed solutions to homework assignments
  • Held weekly office hours and answered student questions on Campuswire
  • Consulted with subsequent course instructors on curriculum and logistics

Basic Engineering Probability and Statistics

College of Engineering

Cornell University

Aug 2020 - Jun 2020

  • Teaching assistant leading two weekly online code labs, which included preparing in-class materials
  • Graded homework assignments and exams
  • Held weekly office hours and answered student questions on Piazza

Differential Equations for Engineers

Department of Mathematics

Cornell University

Dec 2019 - Sep 2019

  • Head teaching assistant, which included additional responsibilities with respect to course administration and organizing the instructional team
  • Led two weekly discussions of roughly 30 students each, which included preparing worksheets and administering quizzes
  • Wrote detailed solutions to homework problem sets
  • Reviewed draft exams and provided suggestions for improvement
  • Held weekly office hours and answered student questions on Piazza

Multivariable Calculus

Department of Mathematics

Cornell University

May 2019 - Feb 2019

  • Teaching assistant leading two weekly discussions of roughly 30 students each, which included preparing worksheets and administering quizzes
  • Provided constructive feedback on exam drafts
  • Graded homework problem sets and exams
  • Held weekly office hours and answered student questions on Piazza

Algorithms and Data Structures for Applications

Department of Computer Science

Cornell University

May 2019 - Feb 2019

  • Teaching assistant writing, administering, and grading weekly online quizzes
  • Provided constructive feedback on exam drafts

Statistical Methods I

Department of Biometry and Statistics

Cornell University

Dec 2016 - Oct 2016

  • Teaching assistant grading assessments

Numerical Analysis I

Department of Mathematics

Cornell University

Dec 2016 - Sep 2016

  • Teaching assistant hosting weekly office hours and answering student questions on Piazza
  • Wrote detailed solutions to assignments
  • Marked assignments, tests, and the final exam

Advanced Differential Equations

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

McMaster University

Dec 2014 - Sep 2014

  • Teaching assistant leading a weekly tutorial of approximately 40 students
  • Held weekly office hours
  • Wrote detailed solutions to assignments
  • Marked assignments, tests, and the final exam
  • Developed marking comment documents to offer more detailed explanations of common errors in submitted student assignment solutions and to make grading more efficient and consistent

Calculus for Science II/Engineering Mathematics II

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

McMaster University

Apr 2014 - Jan 2014

  • Teaching assistant leading three weekly tutorials of approximately 150 students each
  • Held weekly office hours in the first year Math Help Centre, helping students in a variety of mathematics courses
  • 98% of students that completed tutorial evaluations rated overall performance as “good” to “very good”, the top two performance rating categories

Calculus for Science I/Engineering Mathematics I

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

McMaster University

Dec 2013 - Sep 2013

  • Teaching assistant leading two weekly tutorials of approximately 150 students each
  • Held weekly office hours in the first year Math Help Centre
  • Contributed midterm and exam questions
  • 95% of students that completed tutorial evaluations rated overall performance as “good” to “very good”


Arts & Science Program

McMaster University

Apr 2013 - Sep 2011

  • Teaching assistant for two iterations of this course, leading a weekly tutorial of approximately 20 students
  • Held weekly office hours
  • Wrote and graded quizzes and exams

Outreach Writing

Ontario COVID-19 forecast, 17 Oct 2021

Papst I, Bolker BM, Dushoff J, Earn DJD


Oct 2021

Ontario COVID-19 forecast, 20 Sep 2021

Papst I, Bolker BM, Dushoff J, Earn DJD


Sep 2021

Ontario COVID-19 forecast, 5 June 2021

Papst I, Li M, Bolker BM, Dushoff J, Earn DJD


Jun 2021

Ontario COVID-19 forecast, 16 May 2021

Papst I, Li M, Bolker BM, Dushoff J, Earn DJD


May 2021

Ontario COVID-19 forecast, 9 May 2021

Li M, Papst I, Bolker BM, Dushoff J, Earn DJD


May 2021

Early prediction of Ontario’s third COVID-19 wave

Papst I, Li M, Bolker BM, Dushoff J, Earn DJD


Apr 2021

Rationally Irrational

Papst I, Pynn-Coates, N


Dec 2012

Tracking Deadly Diseases from Your Desk: A Brief Introduction to Epidemiological Modeling

Papst I


Nov 2012

A Biological Application of the Calculus of Variations

Papst, I


Sep 2011

Academic Conference Organization

Workshop Organizer, “The Canadian Network for Modelling Infectious Diseases: Progress and Next Steps


Banff International Research Station

Nov 2023 - Nov 2023

Scientific Session Organizer

Canadian Mathematical Society 2014 Winter Meeting

McMaster University

Dec 2014

Workshop Organizer, “Keeping Science Tutorials Relevant”

McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning – Teaching and Learning Forum

McMaster University

Sep 2014

Workshop Organizer, “You Probably Don’t Care About Math Education, But Maybe You Should”

Combining Two Cultures Conference

University of Waterloo

Jan 2012

Technology Co-Chair

Combining Two Cultures Conference

McMaster University

Jan 2011


Can a population self-organize into herd immunity for the flu?

Papst I, O’Keeffe KP, Strogatz SH


Mar 2018

Socioepidemiology Workshop
Mathematical Biosciences Institute

The Puzzling Persistence of Invading Pathogens

Earn DJD, Champredon D, DeJonge M, Drohan S, Hempel K, Molina C, Papst I, Rosati D, Bolker BM, Dushoff J


Jun 2014

2014 Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease Conference
Colorado State University

A Biological Application of the Calculus of Variations

Papst I


Nov 2011

Undergraduate Student Research Award Poster Session
McMaster University

Community Engagement and Leadership

COVID-19 Forecasting

Ontario Modelling Consensus Table

Ontario Science Advisory Table

May 2022 - Feb 2021

  • Helped prepare short-term forecasts of SARS-CoV-2 infection reports and hospitalizations for the province of Ontario to help guide the public health response to the ongoing pandemic
  • Automated aspects of the Table’s regular process to generate a consensus forecast
  • Improved plots of the Table’s consensus forecast


Association for Women in Mathematics
Cornell Chapter

Cornell University

May 2019 - Sep 2018

  • Mentored two undergraduate women in a one-on-one setting
  • Gave advice on courses, graduate studies, career trajectory, and work-life balance
  • Participated in career-development workshops with mentees


Cornell Mathematical Contest in Modeling

Cornell University

Nov 2018 - Nov 2017

  • Reviewed submissions for two iterations of this undergraduate contest in mathematical modelling
  • Provided constructive and detailed feedback to participants
  • Helped select teams to represent Cornell at the International Mathematical Contest in Modeling

Workshop Facilitator

Expanding Your Horizons Conference

Cornell University

Apr 2018

  • Helped run several sessions in this math workshop of this conference, which brings girls in grades 7-9 to Cornell’s campus for a variety of interactive workshops and activities in STEM

Community Organizer

Center for Applied Mathematics

Cornell University

Sep 2020 - Sep 2015

  • Webmaster for the Center for Applied Mathematics (CAM) Student Wiki between 2018 and 2020, during which time I organized a website migration and redesign
  • Compiled a comprehensive and tidy CAM alumni database between 2017 and 2018 using various raw data sources
  • Organized the Bill Sears Club between 2015 and 2016, a seminar meant for first year students to become familiar with the research programs of CAM-affiliated faculty members
  • Regularly participated in CAM Visit Days for prospective students, and in several instances organized a social for women during the event

Registration Co-Chair

Expanding Your Horizons Conference

Cornell University

Apr 2019

  • Major organizer of a large conference bringing girls in grades 7-9 to Cornell’s campus for a variety of interactive workshops and activities in STEM
  • Part of a three-person team that organized registration for the entire conference, with rougly 380 participants and 150 adult chaperones
  • Maintained the registration database in SQL, collected and recorded payments, and provided attendee information to other conference chairs
  • Organized check-in on the day of the conference


Student Committee

Canadian Mathematical Society

Sep 2015 - Sep 2012

  • Oversaw and delegated committee projects such as the organization of competitive poster sessions and workshops, the administration a student activities fund, and the publication of Notes from the Margin
  • Oversaw the yearly local organization of the Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, including the administration of the bidding and transition process
  • Undertook a thorough update of the committee operating manual, to help ensure consistency in committee activities amid relatively frequent membership turnover
  • Prepared year-end reports and budget proposals for the committee
  • Was a member of the CMS Board of Directors with voting rights


Society of Arts & Science Students

McMaster University

Apr 2013 - Sep 2012

  • Acted as a liaison between the Society of Arts & Science (SASS) Students and the Arts & Science Program
  • Chaired weekly SASS Executive Council meetings and ensured that all members of the council were fulfilling their duties
  • Spearheaded the creation of an Executive Council transition manual to aid in the smooth annual changeover of council members
  • Elected by SASS, with approximate membership of 240 students

My demonstrated commitment to community engagement and leadership activities reflect my desire to enhance every community of which I’m a part.


Alexander Graham Bell Postgraduate Scholarship (Doctoral)

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
$63,000 (CAD)

Cornell University

Apr 2018 - Apr 2015

  • Three-year award ($21,000/year) given on the basis of academic excellence, research ability or potential, as well as communication, interpersonal, and leadership abilities
  • Originally awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarship ($ 35,000/year for three years), but accepted a Postgraduate Scholarship to be able to hold it at a foreign institution

Ontario Graduate Scholarship

Ontario Student Assistance Program
$15,000 (CAD)

Government of Ontario

Sep 2014

  • Awarded on the basis of academic excellence

Milos Novotny Fellowship

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
$2,500 (CAD)

McMaster University

Sep 2014

  • For students entering the graduate program who show outstanding potential or have demonstrated excellence in their studies and research

Research Scholarship

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
$2,500 (CAD)

McMaster University

Sep 2014

Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (Masters)

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
$17,500 (CAD)

McMaster University

Sep 2014 - Sep 2013

  • Awarded on the basis of academic excellence, research potential, personal characteristics, and interpersonal skills
  • One of only 800 offers made nationally to 1575 applicants forwarded from Canadian institutions after competitive internal screening processes

Milos Novotny Fellowship

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
$4,000 (CAD)

McMaster University

Sep 2013

  • For students entering the graduate program who show outstanding potential or have demonstrated excellence in their studies and research

Entrance Scholarship

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
$2,000 (CAD)

McMaster University

Sep 2013

Student Scholarship Award

McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd
$1,000 (CAD)


Sep 2013

  • For an undergraduate student who demonstrates academic and personal integrity, engagement, initiative, and enhances the teaching and learning environment
  • One of twenty recipients nation-wide

The Class of 1953 50th Anniversary Scholarships

Arts & Science Program
$1,500 (CAD)

McMaster University

Sep 2012

  • For students in second year and beyond in a program in Arts & Science who, in the judgement of the Arts & Science Program, have attained high academic standing and demonstrated community involvement

The Dr. and Mrs. F.R. Britton Scholarship in Mathematics

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
$1,200 (CAD)

McMaster University

Sep 2012 - Sep 2011

  • For a student who has completed first year and an additional 29-45 units of an Honours program in the Mathematical Sciences who attains the highest Sessional Average in the 2010-2011 academic year

Undergraduate Student Research Award

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
$6,500 (CAD)


Aug 2012 - May 2012

  • Award held at McMaster University, under the supervision of Dr. David Earn
  • Research on mathematical modelling of childhood infectious disease spread

Student Summer Fellowship

M.G. DeGroote Institute of Infectious Disease Research
$1,000 (CAD)

McMaster University

May 2012

Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference Award for Excellence

Student Committee
$500 (CAD)

Canadian Mathematical Society

May 2012

  • For an undergraduate student demonstrating university and mathematical community involvement, academic excellence, and research potential, for the purpose of participating in the Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference

Participation Fellowship

Two Weeks at Waterloo: A Summer School for Women in Math

University of Waterloo

May 2012

  • Selected as one of 16 students nationally to take part in this mathematics enrichment program for outstanding senior female undergraduates

The Dr. Harry Lyman Hooker Scholarship

Arts & Science Program
$1,500 (CAD)

McMaster University

Sep 2011

  • For overall academic excellence in the 2010-2011 academic year
  • Awarded to the top 6% of students in the Arts & Science Program based on Sessional Average

Undergraduate Student Research Award

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
$6,500 (CAD)


Aug 2011 - May 2011

  • Award held at McMaster University, under the supervision of Dr. Lia Bronsard
  • Research on mathematical modelling of protein folding using the calculus of variations

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